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  • Order Protection

    From $ 0.98
    OrderProtection.com is offered as an additional item at checkout. There’s no extra application process or forms to fill out, customers just checkout and are instantly protected against items: Stolen Delivered...
  • Stray (PlayStation) - iam8bit Exclusive Edition

    $ 34.99
      When developer BlueTwelve Studios dubbed their cyberpunk adventure game, Stray, they were gesturing towards something deeper than feline wordplay. To “stray” is to get lost, to wander from the...
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    Persona 5 Royal 3xLP Vinyl Soundtrack

    $ 75.00
    Now more than ever, we’re thankful to have the Phantom Thieves in our lives. Psychologically, they’ve got a lot to teach us about humanity and our complex emotions. It’s not...
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    Sea of Stars (Nintendo Switch Exclusive Edition)

    $ 44.99
      Sabotage Studio has made a reputation of blending retro aesthetics with modern game design methods to create new, wholly original experiences like The Messenger — something we here at iam8bit...
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    Mega Man X - 30th Anniversary Classic Cartridge - Legacy Cartridge Collection

    $ 100.00
    Capcom + iam8bit have been collaborating for well over a decade, and one of our very first landmark projects was in honor of everyone’s favorite Blue Bomber. It’s with tremendous...
  • The Muppet Christmas Carol - Vinyl Soundtrack

    $ 32.99
    There’s something so magically transportive about the music of the holidays, and here at iam8bit, one of our beloved favorites is The Muppet Christmas Carol. It’s one of the best...
  • Hades: Original Soundtrack 4xLP

    $ 89.99
    Escaping the Underworld is no easy task. Anyone who’s played Supergiant Games’ instant-classic roguelike, Hades, can attest to that; the game’s phenomenal combat, compelling character progression and sharp writing combine...
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    Untitled Goose Game - “Lovely Edition” (Nintendo Switch)

    $ 39.99
    Untitled Goose Game is nothing short of a *honk*nomenon (sorry!), having transcended the hallowed halls of nerdom to become an essential piece of the cultural zeitgeist. Australian developer House House...
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    Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye Vinyl Soundtrack

    $ 32.99
      Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye is decidedly darker than its predecessor, and the accompanying musical score follows suit. Sure, the base game’s music takes an occasional turn toward...
  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2xLP

    $ 42.99
      Everyone’s favorite plumbers are in their first-ever animated feature, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, bringing with them everything you’ve come to expect. It’s an important moment for a legendary...
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    Hyper Light Drifter Vinyl Soundtrack 4xLP

    $ 100.00
    "Composer Disasterpeace's soundtrack lends a sense of awe and scale to the world that consistently gave me chills" - Game Informer ... "The soundtrack by Disasterpeace is every bit a...
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    Persona 4 Vinyl Soundtrack 4xLP

    $ 100.00
    Widely regarded as one of the greatest OSTs of all-time, iam8bit is absolutely thrilled to collaborate with Atlus to bring the sounds of Persona 4 to vinyl. In stark contrast...
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